Hi! My name is Hannah Harley, and welcome!
You could consider me new here, seeing as I just recently transferred my website/blog from http://www.hanharley.blog.com to its new location here! This new website has given me hopes for more personalization, room, and ad-free! Yay!! As I get ready to update this page on some of what I've been up to lately and even long ago, I figure I'll give an introduction to me, what I love, and what I do. I feel as if you can tell a lot about a person based on what they do and what they love. Ideally, they'd be the same things! Luckily, that's what I have right now!
Introduction to me - I am currently ending my Freshman year at Point Park University majoring in Photography. I am minoring in entrepreneurial studies with the hope of employing myself when I graduate. I particularly enjoy portraits of people, and that is where I am concentrating my works. I play softball for PPU's softball team, am a hired CF for next year (modern day RA for those that went to 'traditional' campuses), and am an Honors Society member. I'm not a bad student, but math and science have never been a particular strong suit of mine. Luckily, I enjoy most of my classes and have found the information to be incredibly valuable thus far.
What I love - This could be a very long list, but I'll keep it short. I love my family, my boyfriend, my friends, my teammates, my pets, photography, softball, and candy. I also love sushi, TicTacs, and Pittsburgh Pirates' baseball (and it's only natural to pair the last one with Dippin' Dots!). My favorite season is winter because SNOW. That's the only real reason I need for my love of winter! I also love Apple, Pittsburgh, and Paris. I think the Polish language is ridiculously complicated, and I've yet to find ear buds that actually fit my ears!!
What I do - As much as I can! I love to be involved! My boyfriend one time gave me a sign that said, "If it weren't for stress, I'd have no energy at all", and that is how I roll! I like to be busy and find things to do. The feeling after a long day of productivity is exhaustion (naturally) but there's also a huge sense of pride that you made it through the day and got everything done that needed to be done!
Now, if you're here, I'm sure you're wondering about my photography style. I LOVE taking pictures of people. I often find that when the people I'm photographing are smiling, so am I! I am cheesing behind the camera; it is a BLAST for me! I am still 'discovering' and honing my photography style as I experiment with many different types and styles. I know portraiture is what I've been dreaming of doing for a variety of reasons, which will be coming to you later this week! By scrolling through my portfolio and looking at the galleries there, you'll be able to see what I've done. That'll give you a sense of what I love to do and my style.
I hope you have a fun time exploring the site! I've enjoyed making it for you, and I hope we'll interact on the inter web!
Have a wonderful, wonderful day!!